※注意※ 願書は必ず両面印刷すること。また、学生記入欄は全て手書きで作成すること。
▼第1回:2023年11月28日(火)12:35 ~13:15
話し手:コミュニティ政策学科 1年
▼第2回:2023年11月30日(木)12:35 ~13:15
話し手:心理学科 2年
▼第3回:2023年12月5日(火)12:35 ~13:15
話し手:映像身体学科 3年
会 場:新座キャンパス ボランティアセンター(7号館2階)
対 象:立教生(学部生・大学院生)
定 員:10名程度
また 、記念企画として、本学出身の監督による、気仙沼でのボランティア活動を支えてきた女将と学生との交流を描いた映画「ただいま、つなかん」の上映会を開催いたします。
日時:2023年12月9日(土) 13:00~17:10
場所:立教大学池袋キャンパス 立教学院諸聖徒礼拝堂(記念礼拝)、マキムホールM301教室(映画上映他)
13:00 〜 14:00 ボランティアセンター設立20周年記念礼拝
14:00 〜 15:55 映画「ただいま、つなかん」上映会
16:10 〜 16:40 監督によるご講演
16:40 〜 17:10 監督と立教生によるアフタートーク
• 恐れ入りますが、座席指定は承っておりません。受付順にご案内させていただきます。
• 本プログラムは対面のみの実施です。オンライン配信やアーカイブ公開はいたしませんので、あらかじめご了承ください。
• 当日の録音、録画はお控えいただきますようお願い申し上げます。
• 教室での上映会のためスクリーン、音響は映画館と異なります。あらかじめご了承ください。
・風間 研一(「ただいま、つなかん」監督)
・不二山 七海(社会学部メディア社会学科4年/立教大学フレスコボールサークル代表)
・和田 夏海(コミュニティ福祉学部福祉学科3年/立教Frontiers前代表)
・齋藤 元気(立教大学ボランティアセンターボランティアコーディネーター) /ファシリテーター
日 時 : 2月12日(月・祝)9:10~16:30(予定)
場 所:浦和エリア 35km地点給水所
定 員:20名
Webフォームはこちら ※定員20名先着順
〈浦和エリア35km地点 給水所〉
2023年8月5日(土)、岩手県陸前高田市の高田松原運動公園第一野球場(楽天イーグルス 奇跡の一本松球場)にて、高田第一中学校、高田東中学校の野球部を対象とした野球教室を開催しました。
日 時
会 場
Webフォームはこちら ※定員10名先着順
ロア間の階段での誘導介助、各入口・階段の介助、案内、開会式時のフロアでの誘導、整理、競技中の事故 防 止 、 競 技 中 の コ ー ナ ー 監 察 、 団 体
競 技 の 応 援 、 フ ロア・競技場内の警備及び保安、災害時の観客席の避難誘導
募集期間:6月12日(月) ~ 7 月3 日(月)1 2 : 0 0
活動期間:2023年7月下旬~ 2024 年3月31日(※1年ごとに継続の意思を確認)
会場:池袋キャンパス ボランティアセンター
新座ボラセン:6/15 (木)、16日(金)、19日(月) の昼休み
日時:5月20日(土) 8:30~17:00
会場:東京アクアティクスセンター メインプール※東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会の水泳会場
申し込み締め切り:~4月29日(土) 12:00まで
tel:03-3985-4651 fax:03-3985-4657
tel:048-471-6682 fax:048-471-7312
日 時:5月27日(土)、28日(日)、6月3日(土)8:30〜17:00
会 場:駒沢オリンピック公園総合運動場 陸上競技場
Dear Students
March 30, 2023
Guidelines for Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 (2023 Academic Year)
The guidelines for preventing the spread of infection on campus will be as follows. Please comply with these.
Everyday life
(1) Make an even greater effort than previously to prevent infection, referring to the Ministry of Health, Labour andWelfare’s “Example of Practicing ‘New Lifestyle’”.
(2) Enhance immunity by following a well-regulated lifestyle (balanced
diet, sufficient sleep, moderate exercise).
(3) Take your temperature twice daily, in the morning and evening, and understand your daily state of health.
2. Infection prevention
(1) The wearing of masks will be recommended in cases If you talk with others at insufficient distance, whether indoors or outdoors.
*1) A non-woven fabric type mask that
has a high infection prevention effect is recommended, but if it does not fit
your constitution, a urethane or cloth mask may be used. In either case, be sure to cover your nose with a
*2) Wearing a mask increases the risk of heat stroke. Let's pay attention to physical condition management by referring to the Ministry of Health, Labourand Welfare’s “EnjoyGood Health byAdopting the New Lifestyle to PreventHeatstroke & COVID 19 Infection”.
(2) Observe proper cough etiquette.
(3) Disinfect your hands using the disinfectant provided at the entrance
of the building.
In the washroom, wash hands thoroughly with
(4) The university will determine whether or not you can enter campus and take
appropriate action in light of individual circumstances based on “Campus Entry Possibility Regarding COVID-19” posted on the university’s website.
3. Behavior on campus
(1) Behavior
in general
[1] Use
the "Health Management and Activity Log Sheet" for
daily records.
[2] For extracurricular activities and work, use online systems or email and avoid having people assemble in close contact whenever possible.
[3] If
you develop a fever or feel sick after entering campus, you should refrain from
using campus facilities and return home immediately.
[4] Maintain
enough space between people. Also, be sure to leave a
particularly large amount of space when conversing or speaking.
[5] Since elevators may become closed, crowded, close-contact settings, use stairs unless you are physically handicapped or are transporting equipment.
(2) Eating
and drinking
[1] Refrain
from having conversations while eating.
[2] In
addition to the above, the following points should be taken into consideration
when using the cafeteria.
Disinfect hands with disinfectant provided in the cafeteria.
When waiting in line to buy a meal ticket or receive a meal, leave space between people.
- Leave the cafeteria quickly as soon as your meal is finished and shorten the time you stay in the cafeteria.
1. Daily life and on-campus activities
(1) A new lifestyle
Make an effort to prevent infection, referring to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s “Example of Practicing ‘New Lifestyle’ ”.
(2) Precautions on campus
[1] The wearing of masks will be recommended in cases If you talk with others at insufficient distance, whether indoors or outdoors.
*1) A non-woven fabric type mask that has a high infection prevention
effect is recommended, but if it does not fit your constitution, a urethane or
cloth mask may be used. In either case, be sure to cover your nose with a mask.
*2) Wearing a mask increases the risk of heat stroke. Let's pay attention to physical condition management by referring to the Ministry of Health, Labourand Welfare’s “Enjoy Good Health by Adopting the NewLifestyleto Prevent Heatstroke & COVID 19 Infection”.
[2] Carry out proper cough etiquette.
[3] Be thorough in washing hands with soap frequently, as well as disinfecting hands as necessary.
[4] Maintain enough space between people.
[5] For extracurricular activities and work, please use online systems or email and avoid having people assemble in close contact whenever possible.
[6] Check “Campus Entry Possibility RegardingCOVID-19” if you have cold symptoms such as fever or abnormal sense of taste or smell.
In addition, please take your body temperature at home before commuting to school or work. Your body temperature will be taken when entering the campus at a temperature checkpoint. If your temperature is 37.5℃ or higher, you will not be allowed to enter campus. (Applicable until May 7, 2023)
[7] Keep as much individual distance as possible for meals.
(3) Keep in mind daily maintenance of
Enhance immunity by following a
well-regulated lifestyle (balanced diet, enough sleep, moderate exercise).
It is also important to take your
temperature twice daily (morning and evening) and understand your daily state
of health in order to prevent the spread of infection. Keeping a log of your
activity will be useful in an emergency.
Please use the "Health Management and Activity Log Sheet" for daily records.
(4) About extracurricular activities,
dining with friends, etc.
For extracurricular activities, please use online systems or email and avoid having people assemble in close contact whenever possible. In addition, please pay special attention to infection risk when doing practices, visits, or lodging together for extracurricular activities.
2. Infectious disease prevention measures on campus
The university is taking the following measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among students, faculty, and staff.
(1) Cleaning and disinfection
Places people touch are disinfected in the regular cleaning of classrooms, sports facilities, administrative offices, etc.
(2) Placement of disinfectant
Disinfectant for hand sanitizing has been
placed at entrances and exits of each building and dining halls, etc.
Disinfectant and
paper towels (disinfecting wipes in some cases) have also been placed so that users can
chairs and desks in classrooms, AV
equipment for classes, and computers in computer classrooms before and after use.
(3) Thorough ventilation
Ventilation equipment installed in each building are operated. As natural ventilation is also important, the university has made it known to all faculty and staff to ensure that windows in buildings and rooms that can be opened and closed are opened appropriately for ventilation.
(4) Droplet prevention
Clear partitions and plastic curtains have been installed as necessary to reduce risk of infection.
3. Response to cases in which positive diagnoses are confirmed for
students, faculty, or staff (Applicable until May 7, 2023)
The university will be notified of the result if a student or faculty or staff member has been diagnosed positive. If the person who tested positive has entered campus within a certain period of time, the following measures will be taken.
(1) Investigation of activity history on
After contacting the local healthcare
center, the university will conduct the following investigation according to
・Hearing with the
person diagnosed positive (to check circumstances such as their contact with a
positive person who caused the onset of symptoms, their activity history on
campus, and whether they wore a mask)
・Identification of
close contacts on campus
・Measures such as
prohibiting campus entry of the person diagnosed positive (including those who
have come into contact with them as necessary)
(2) Measures to prevent the spread of
Based on the results of the investigation and guidance or directions from a healthcare center in (1) above, the university will take necessary measures depending on the situation, such as disinfecting, etc.
4. References
Please use the following websites to check
for correct information.
◆Information on COVID-19
○ Infection-Control Measures for COVID-19 (Cabinet Secretariat website)
○ About COVID-19 (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website)
○ The address of the nearest consultation center (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website)
○ National Institute of Infectious Diseases website
○ About Infection-Control Measures for COVID-19 (Ministry for Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan)
◆Information on traveling abroad
○ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Overseas Safety website
Taking into account the societal circumstances concerning COVID-19, entry to campus and reception counter services are as follows.
* This may vary depending on the circumstances of contagion.
■ About Entry to Campus
・ Please take your body temperature at
home before commuting to school or work.
your temperature is 37.5℃ or higher, you will not be allowed to enter campus. (Applicable
until May 7, 2023)
* Check here for details.
* Temperature check stations have been
set up at multiple buildings on campus, so please take your temperature as
needed on your own.
・ The wearing of masks will be
recommended in cases If you talk with others at insufficient distance, whether
indoors or outdoors.
・ Carry out proper cough etiquette.
・ Be thorough in washing hands with soap frequently, as well as
disinfecting hands as necessary.
・ See “Campus Entry Possibility Regarding COVID-19” if you have symptoms such as a cold or fever.
■ About Class
・ Check here for the response to COVID-19 for classes in 2023.
■ About Reception Counters for All
Administrative Offices
We ask that you make inquiries to any of the university’s reception counters from 9:00-17:00 Monday-Friday or 9:00-12:30 Saturday after also checking “Measures for All Administrative Departments” below.
However, for each of the
following departments are as indicated.
・ Clinic
・ Independent Graduate
Schools Office 12:30-20:30 Monday-Friday or 10:00-17:00 Saturday
* This may vary depending on the circumstances of contagion.
■ Measures for All Administrative
See below for measures for all administrative departments.
→ News
→ Library
★ See here for English version.
※ 今後の感染状況によっては変更することがあります。
■ キャンパスへの入構について
・ 通学・通勤前に、自宅等で検温してください。
※ 詳細は、こちらをご確認下さい。
※ 学内の複数の建物内に検温可能な場所(検温ステーション)を設けましたので、必要に応じて各自で検温してください。
・ 屋内・屋外問わず近距離で会話を行う場合はマスクの着用を推奨します。
・ 咳エチケットを徹底してください。
・ 石鹸による手洗いを徹底し、必要に応じて手指の消毒等を行ってください。
・ 発熱等の風邪症状や味覚・嗅覚異常などがある場合については、『新型コロナウイルス感染症についての入構の可否』をご確認ください(2023年5月7日までの適用)。
■ 授業について
・ 2023年度の授業に関する新型コロナウイルス感染症への対応ついてはこちらをご確認ください。
■ 各事務室窓口について
・ 診療所 こちらをご確認ください。
・ 独立研究科事務室 平日12:30~20:30、土曜日10:00~17:00
※ 今後の感染状況によっては変更することがあります。
■ 各事務部局の対応
→ 教務部
→ 学生部
→ キャリアセンター
→ 図書館
To all students, faculty, and staff,
In response to the downgrading of COVID-19 to “Class 5 infectious disease”, we have decided to take the measures below.
In the future, we will make a decision promptly when there is an occasion, in which we will have to consider altering the restriction level in activity restriction policy as we comprehensively review the tendency of the number of COVID-19 positive cases in the Metropolitan areas, the requests from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), local governments or society.
Rikkyo’s measures
Restriction Level: 0 <Currently 1 (Refer to the URL below)>
Activity Restriction Policy(https://spirit.rikkyo.ac.jp/covid-19/SitePages/students.aspx)
Start date: May 8
① For matters related to classes will be notified on the following website of Academic Affairs Division as soon as they are decided: *Note 1.
*Note 1: https://spirit.rikkyo.ac.jp/academic_affairs/SitePages/index.aspx
The style of each class will be announced to students by syllabus, the instructors through their instructions in the classes and “Canvas LMS”, “Rikkyo Jikan” or “Blackboard.”
② Extracurricular activities will be notified on the following website of Student Affairs Division: *Note 2
*Note 2: https://discovery.rikkyo.ac.jp/news/ (V-campus ID and password required)
Reference: University Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
【対 応】
そ の 他:
① 授業関連事項については、詳細が決まり次第、教務部Webサイト(※1)にてお知らせします。
※1 https://spirit.rikkyo.ac.jp/academic_affairs/SitePages/index.aspx
各科目の授業形態については、「シラバス」、科目担当者から履修者への授業時および「Canvas LMS」「立教時間」「Blackboard」等での指示により、お知らせします。
② 課外活動については、学生部Webサイト(※2)にてお知らせいたします。
※2 https://discovery.rikkyo.ac.jp/news/(要V-campusID、パスワード)
期 間:2023年2月20日(月)~3月24日(金)平日9:00~17:00
場 所:ボランティアセンター(池袋キャンパス・新座キャンパス)
チャプレン室事務課 (池袋・新座チャペル会館)
内 容:ボランティアセンター(池袋キャンパス・新座キャンパス)、
主 催:チャプレン室、ボランティアセンター
今回は、立教大学池袋キャンパスを会場に「第一回 研究会」を開催し、ボランティアセンター見学などを実施しました。
窓口:ボランティアセンター(5号館 1階)
受付時間:平日 9:00~17:00/土曜日 9:00~12:30(閉室の場合あり)
窓口:ボランティアセンター(7 号館 2 階)
受付時間:平日 9:00~17:00/土曜日は閉室です
旧: 学生サポーター) を募集します。
募集期間6 月2 2 日( 水) ~ 7 月1 3 日( 水) 1 2 : 0 0
活動期間2 0 2 2 年8 月~ 2 0 2 3 年3 月3 1 日(※1年ごとに継続の意思を確認)
当日の活動の様子 ※活動写真は立教時間にのみ表示されます
・・・English version follows the Japanese text.・・・
立教大学総長 西原廉太
To all students, faculty, and staff,
In response to the ongoing infection situation of COVID-19 positive cases, we have decided to take the measures below.
In the future, we will make a decision promptly when there is an occasion, in which we will have to consider altering the restriction level in activity restriction policy as we comprehensively review the tendency of the number of COVID-19 positive cases in the Metropolitan areas, the requests from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), local governments or society.
Rikkyo’s measures
Restriction Level: 1 <Currently 2 (Refer to the URL below)>
Activity Restriction Policy(https://spirit.rikkyo.ac.jp/covid-19/SitePages/students.aspx)
Start date: March 22
① In-person course implementation policy for each college will be notified on the following website of Academic Affairs Division: *Note 1.
*Note 1: https://spirit.rikkyo.ac.jp/academic_affairs/common/SitePages/stuinfo23.aspx#sf22-03
The style of each class will be announced to students by the instructors through their instructions in the classes or “Rikkyo Jikan” or “Blackboard.”
② Extracurricular activities will be notified on the following website of Student Affairs Division: *Note 2
*Note 3: https://discovery.rikkyo.ac.jp/news/ (V-campus ID and password required)
Reference: University Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
【対 応】
そ の 他:
① 各学部等の「対面授業回」の実施方針については、教務部Webサイト(※1)にてお知らせします。
※1 https://spirit.rikkyo.ac.jp/academic_affairs/common/SitePages/stuinfo23.aspx#sf22-03
② 課外活動については、学生部Webサイト(※2)にてお知らせいたします。
※2 https://discovery.rikkyo.ac.jp/news/(要V-campusID、パスワード)
・・・English version follows the Japanese text.・・・
立教大学総長 西原廉太
January 24, 2022
Rikkyo University
President Renta Nishihara
To all students,
The government of Japan has decided to declare the semi-emergency viral spread measures for Tokyo and 12 Prefectures including Saitama from January 21 to February 13, where the COVID-19 (Omicron variant) positive cases are rapidly on the rise. In response to the measures, the university will uplift the restriction level of Rikkyo’s activity restriction policy to Level 2 starting from January 25. Under the circumstances, I am sure there are some people who are concerned about how the final exams for Fall Semester and Academic Year 2021 (thereafter “the final exams”) will be conducted, but the university will conduct the final and oral exams on campus starting from January 18 as the Announcement of How the Final Exams for Fall Semester, Fall Quarter 2, Academic Year 2021 was made on December 10, while paying close attention to the prevention of COVID-19 expansion.
University’s courses will not be completed when you finish taking them but will be completed only when your academic performance is justifiably evaluated. Each college establishes the syllabi for their courses to be offered based on the educational policies to organize curricula, clearly indicating the criteria for completion and provides the criteria and methods of evaluation so that the students may manage their studies in an effective manner. As a necessary method to thoroughly evaluate the students’ academic performance, we decide to provide such evaluation methods as written exams, report exams, and in-class points. Even in a current COVID-19 pandemic crisis, when we think it is necessary to justifiably evaluate students’ academic performance required for educational curricula, we decide to conduct written exams regardless of the style of the course (e.g. in-person, mixed, online, on-demand).
Please note that we will take thorough measures in conducting the final exams as the final exams for Spring Semester. With regard to the prevention measures in conducting the final exams, please refer to 4. Special responses to Fall Semester for Academic Year 2021 in the Announcement of How the Final Exams for Fall Semester, Fall Quarter 2, Academic Year 2021 for details.
【Conducting makeup exams (special responses)】
Since the university will take thorough prevention measures above, please rest assured that you can take your written exams. A current ongoing variant (Omicron), however, has been reported that the risk, where people become critical is low but its infection is highly potent. Therefore. if you are concerned about the health of yourself or your family with which you live in taking your exams in-person on campus, the university will conduct the makeup exams as the special responses, which are scheduled in early March as the university has previously done for Spring Semester. With regard to taking the makeup exams, please refer to 2. Makeup exams and 4. Special responses to Fall Semester for Academic Year 2021.
【Request for students】
The basic measures to prevent viral expansion to Omicron variant will be the same as you have acted in the past. Please note, therefore, that you carry out a thorough action to observe the guideline to prevent the viral expansion of COVID-19, wear a non-woven fabric mask, sanitize hands and fingers, and exercise social distancing.
※The guideline to prevent the viral expansion of COVID-19 (2021) (updated April 14, 2021)
(https://spirit.rikkyo.ac.jp/newslist/_layouts/15/Vc5.Spirit.PortalV2/Post.aspx?ID=00022394 )
Please also note that you should avoid congestion for taking a body temperature upon entry to campus and plan to arrive at campus ahead of time on the day of your final exams. Also, when your exams are finished or your use of campus facilities is finished, you are encouraged to go home directly without socializing or dining with your friends.
We sincerely hope that you will be able to do your best in the final exams to demonstrate your daily academic performance, receive a justifiable evaluation, and carry on what you have learned this academic year to next academic year. Please understand that we are working even harder for the prevention of vial expansion. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation once again.
立教大学総長 西原廉太
※ 新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大予防のためのガイドライン(2021年度版)(2021年4月14日更新)
【対 応】
そ の 他:
① 各学部等の授業実施方針については、教務部Webサイト(※1)にてお知らせします。
※1 https://spirit.rikkyo.ac.jp/academic_affairs/common/SitePages/stuinfo22.aspx#sf22-03
※2 https://wwwj.rikkyo.ac.jp/kyomubu/shiken/index.html
② 課外活動については、学生部Webサイト(※3)にてお知らせいたします。
※3 https://discovery.rikkyo.ac.jp/news/(要V-campusID、パスワード)
To all students, faculty, and staff,
In response to the increase of the number of COVID-19 positive cases, we have decided to take the measures below.
In the future, we will make a decision promptly when there is an occasion, in which we will have to consider altering the restriction level in activity restriction policy as we comprehensively review the tendency of the number of COVID-19 positive cases in the Metropolitan areas, the requests from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), local governments or society.
Rikkyo’s measures
Restriction Level: 2 <Currently 1 (Refer to the URL below)>
Activity Restriction Policy (https://spirit.rikkyo.ac.jp/covid-19/SitePages/students.aspx)
Start date: January 25
① Course implementation policy for each college will be notified on the following website of Academic Affairs Division: *Note 1.
*Note 1: https://spirit.rikkyo.ac.jp/academic_affairs/common/SitePages/stuinfo22.aspx#sf22-03
The style of each class will be announced to students by the instructors through their instructions in the classes or “Rikkyo Jikan” or “Blackboard.”
Regular exams after January 25 will be conducted as scheduled. Regarding how the exam will be conducted, please refer to the following website of Academic Affairs Division: *Note 2
*Note 2: https://wwwj.rikkyo.ac.jp/kyomubu/shiken/index.html
② Extracurricular activities will be notified on the following website of Student Affairs Division: *Note 3
*Note 3: https://discovery.rikkyo.ac.jp/news/ (V-campus ID and password required)
Reference: University Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
日 時:2022年2月19日(土)、2月26日(土)、3月5日(土)計3日間 9時~17時
場 所:池袋キャンパスD301教室、ポール・ラッシュ・アスレティックスセンター、池袋防災館等
①本学制限レベル「1」、「2」の場合 → 対面形式で実施
②本学制限レベル「3」以上の場合 → オンライン形式で実施(別途、お知らせがいきます)
内 容:災害救援ボランティアの基本、災害ボランティア活動ケースワーク、災害と防災対策の基本、応急手当活動(上級救命技能講習)、 災害模擬体験と実技、大学・学生・地域による復興支援・防災活動の紹介、災害ボランティア活動の安全衛生と図上演習(グループワーク)等
講 師: 総務省消防庁OB、東京防災救急協会、災害救援ボランティア推進委員会等
主 催:ボランティアセンター
協 力:災害救援ボランティア推進委員会(公益財団法人日本法制学会社会貢献部)、一般社団法人 防災教育普及協会
後 援:総務省消防庁、NHK
対 象:本学学生・大学院生、教職員、一般
申 込:本学学生・大学院生、教職員 → ボランティアセンター(申込用紙はボランティアセンターにて配布)
一般 → 災害救援ボランティア推進委員会にお問い合わせください。 https://www.saigai.or.jp/
問合せ先:ボランティアセンター volunteer@rikkyo.ac.jp
「農業体験 in 山形県高畠町」のサイトを作成しましたので、お知らせいたします。
・「農業体験 in 山形県高畠町」
立教大学総長 西原廉太
9月30日(木)に緊急事態宣言が解除されることとなり、10月4日(月)から活動制限を「レベル2」に移行させました。その後、まん延防止等重点措置等も出されず、感染者数等に顕著な改善がみられますので、10月18日(月)より活動制限をさらに「レベル1」へと引き下げ、引き続き感染拡大に最大限の配慮をしつつ、キャンパスでの対面を前提とする授業を再開いたします( オンライン授業も併用します)。課外活動についても、オンラインでの活動を推奨しますが、感染拡大に最大限の配慮をすることを条件に、対面による活動を認めます。対面授業であっても、健康上の理由や海外在住で未だ入国できない等の事由がある場合にはオンライン等の対応もしていますので、教務部のWEBページにてその詳細については確認してください。
To all students, faculty, and staff,
Based on the current situation that the number of COVID-19 positive cases has decreased and been stable, we have decided to take the measures as below.
In the future, we will make a decision promptly when there is an occasion, in which we will have to consider altering the restriction level as we comprehensively review the tendency of the number of COVID-19 positive cases in the Metropolitan areas, the requests from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), local governments or society.
Rikkyo’s measures
Restriction Level: 1 <Currently 2 (Refer to the chart below)>
Start date: October 18
Restriction Level | Status | Course implementation |
0 | Normal | No restriction |
1 | Positive cases are stable. | In-person classes will be conducted as we pay the utmost attention to the viral expansion. Online classes will be also conducted. |
2 | We need to monitor the situation of positive cases.(Increase of positive cases in Tokyo and surrounding three Prefectures is identified.) | Mixed style of classes (synchronous<one-way and two-way> online classes with in-person classes) is encouraged, and online classes (live and interactive session, live and non-interactive session, on-demand video session) are allowed provided that the measures of the viral prevention are fully taken. |
3 | A state of emergency has been declared, but the entry to campus has not been restricted. Or a state of emergency has not been declared, and the entry to campus has not been restricted. | Basically, only online classes are conducted. Only when the permission is granted, in-person classes are allowed provided that the measures of viral prevention are fully taken. |
4 | A state of emergency has been declared, and the entry to campus has been restricted. | Only online classes are conducted. |
Reference: University Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
【対 応】
そ の 他:
制限レベル | 状況 | 授業実施内容 |
0 | 通常。 | 制限はない。 |
1 | 感染が一定程度にとどまっている状態。 | 感染拡大に最大限の配慮をしつつ、対面授業を実施する。オンライン授業も活用する。 |
2 | 感染への警戒が必要な状態。 (一都三県の感染者数に増加がみられる場合等) | ミックス型(同時配信(一方向・双方向)併用型の対面授業)を推奨するが、オンライン授業(ライブ参加型双方向、ライブ視聴型一方向、オンデマンド型録画配信)、感染対策に十分配慮した上での対面授業も可とする。 |
3 | 緊急事態宣言等が発出されているが、大学への入構禁止要請は出ていない状態又は緊急事態宣言等は発出されていないが、それに準ずる状態。 | 原則としてオンライン授業のみ。 特に認められた場合に限り、感染対策に十分配慮した上での対面授業(ミックス型を含む)を可とする。 |
4 | 緊急事態宣言等が発出されており、大学への入構禁止要請が出ている状態。 | オンライン授業のみ。 |
October 8, 2021
Rikkyo University
President Renta Nishihara
Dear all students,
The declaration of a state of emergency was lifted on Thursday, September 30, and the restriction level has been switched to Level 2 since Monday, October 4. The semi-emergency coronavirus spread prevention measures has not been issued since then, and there is a remarkable improvement in the number of infected people. Therefore, we will switch the restriction level to Level 1 from Monday, October 18 and resume in-person classes on campus (online classes to be also conducted), while paying the utmost attention to the viral expansion. Extra-curricular activities are encouraged online, but in-person activities are granted provided that the utmost attention will be paid to the viral expansion. We provide the support of online classes for the students who wouldn’t be able to come to campus for health reasons or enter Japan from overseas, so please check the detail on the website of academic affairs.
The activities on campus will be widely available, which all of us are looking forward. I want all the students to enjoy your learning and life on campus as much as possible. However, it is important to prepare for the so-called 6th wave of COVID-19. Even if you are vaccinated against COVID-19, please continue basic preventive measures including wearing non-woven fabric masks, washing and sanitizing hands and social distancing.
Due to the viral expansion of COVID-19, our classes and many activities had to be conducted mostly online for one year and nine months except for some period of this spring. During this period, we have noticed the potential to make use of online. On the other hand, however, because our in-person activities have been restricted for a long time, we are also concerned about the loss of a number of social abilities through direct interaction that you share with others over time and space, which is supposed to be nurtured through the exchanges with others. By resuming in-person classes and many activities, we may have to, once again, learn to gain the abilities of interpersonal communication or the skills to sense what others intend or think. There may be a case, in which you would feel worried about the exchanges with others in person. I am beginning to think that we will need to resume in-person classes as soon as possible, so that we may eradicate the anxiety and regain our original abilities and skills.
I am confident that we would be able to respond adequately to this new stage, because many of us are being vaccinated and have learned how to behave well socially. I also would like all the students to think how you could make in-person classes or extra-curricular activities better and safer. Let us continue the learning of true liberal arts together in this new stage filled with a lot of hope.
(月)~(金) 9:00~17:00
(土) 9:00~12:30
[メール] volunteer@rikkyo.ac.jp
[電話] 03-3985-4651(池袋) 048-471-6682(新座)
① 自宅で検温し、発熱時(37.5度以上)の時や体調不良の時には無理して入構しないようにお願いします。
① 室内でのマスク着用の徹底、咳エチケットの徹底をお願いします。
② 窓口にはアクリル板を設置させていただきます。
③ ソーシャルディスタンスの確保にご協力ください。
④ 当面、室内での食事は禁止させていただきます(水分補給は可能です)。
① 手洗い励行をお願いします。
② 手指消毒用アルコールを配置(入口付近、共用廊下など)していますので、ご活用ください。
(4)換気 エアロゾル感染防止
① 窓の開放
② ドアの開放
③ 空調・換気装置の利用
To all students, faculty, and staff,
The declaration of a state of emergency will be lifted in a number of Prefectures including Tokyo, but we have decided to take the measures below based on the situation that we should continue to pay close attention to COVID-19 infection.
In the future, we will make a decision promptly when there is an occasion, in which we will have to consider altering the restriction level as we comprehensively review the tendency of the number of COVID-19 positive cases in the Metropolitan areas, the requests from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), local governments or society.
Rikkyo’s measures
Restriction Level: 2 <Currently 3 (Refer to the chart below)>
Start date: October 4
Restriction Level | Status | Course implementation |
0 | Normal | No restriction |
1 | Positive cases are stable. | In-person classes will be conducted as we pay the utmost attention to the viral expansion. Online classes will be also conducted. |
2 | We need to monitor the situation of positive cases.(Increase of positive cases in Tokyo and surrounding three Prefectures is identified.) | Mixed style of classes (synchronous<one-way and two-way> online classes with in-person classes) is encouraged, and online classes (live and interactive session, live and non-interactive session, on-demand video session) are allowed provided that the measures of the viral prevention are fully taken. |
3 | A state of emergency has been declared, but the entry to campus has not been restricted. Or a state of emergency has not been declared, and the entry to campus has not been restricted. | Basically, only online classes are conducted. Only when the permission is granted, in-person classes are allowed provided that the measures of viral prevention are fully taken. |
4 | A state of emergency has been declared, and the entry to campus has been restricted. | Only online classes are conducted. |
Reference: University Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
【対 応】
そ の 他:
制限レベル | 状況 | 授業実施内容 |
0 | 通常。 | 制限はない。 |
1 | 感染が一定程度にとどまっている状態。 | 感染拡大に最大限の配慮をしつつ、対面授業を実施する。オンライン授業も活用する。 |
2 | 感染への警戒が必要な状態。 (一都三県の感染者数に増加がみられる場合等) | ミックス型(同時配信(一方向・双方向)併用型の対面授業)を推奨するが、オンライン授業(ライブ参加型双方向、ライブ視聴型一方向、オンデマンド型録画配信)、感染対策に十分配慮した上での対面授業も可とする。 |
3 | 緊急事態宣言等が発出されているが、大学への入構禁止要請は出ていない状態又は緊急事態宣言等は発出されていないが、それに準ずる状態。 | 原則としてオンライン授業のみ。 特に認められた場合に限り、感染対策に十分配慮した上での対面授業(ミックス型を含む)を可とする。 |
4 | 緊急事態宣言等が発出されており、大学への入構禁止要請が出ている状態。 | オンライン授業のみ。 |
【2021年9月29日 追記】
1. 接種日(実施日程順)・接種会場
① 1回目:9月11日(土)、2回目:10月 9 日(土)新座キャンパス7号館
② 1回目:9月12日(日)、2回目:10月10日(日)新座キャンパス7号館
③ 1回目:9月13日(月)、2回目:10月11日(月)池袋キャンパス太刀川記念館
④ 1回目:9月14日(火)、2回目:10月12日(火)池袋キャンパス太刀川記念館
2. 接種対象者
① 既にお住いの自治体等での接種をご予約済みの方
② 基礎疾患のある方や健康状態に不安がある方(かかりつけの医療機関等にご相談ください)
3. ワクチンの種類
① 東京都が実施する大学生・大学教職員向けの集団接種
⇒ https://www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/iryo/kansen/coronavaccine/univ.html
② 自衛隊が実施する大規模接種
⇒ https://www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/iryo/kansen/coronavaccine/daikibo.html
・新型コロナウイルス感染症ワクチン大学拠点接種(職域接種) Q&A(更新作業中)
【2021年7月21日 追記】
【2021年7月9日 追記】
【2021/06/25 掲載】
September 27, 2021
Rikkyo University
President Renta Nishihara
Dear all students,
Currently in Tokyo and Saitama, the declaration of a state of emergency has been extended until Thursday, September 30, 2021. We, in accordance with this, continue to put the restriction level as Level 3 (basically only online classes are conducted. Only when the permission is granted, in-person classes including mixed style of classes are allowed provided that the measures of viral prevention are fully taken.) at Rikkyo University.
In future, however, when the declaration of a state of emergency is lifted on Thursday, September 30, we will switch the restriction level to Level 2 (Mixed style of classes (synchronous<one-way and two-way> online classes with in-person classes) is encouraged, and online classes (live and interactive session, live and non-interactive session, on-demand video session) are allowed provided that the measures of the viral prevention are fully taken.) on Monday, October 4, 2021.
If the semi-emergency coronavirus spread prevention measures are not enforced and the number of infected people indicates a remarkable improvement, we are ready to switch the restriction level as Level 1(In-person classes will be conducted as we pay the utmost attention to the viral expansion. Online classes will be also conducted.) immediately. Therefore, please be prepared to resume in-person classes on campus.
We conducted the University COVID-19 vaccination (September 11 to 14) and will conduct the first additional vaccination scheduled as below.
【Niiza Campus】Saturday, October 9 & Sunday, October 10
【Ikebukuro Campus】Monday, October 11 & Tuesday, October 12
Note: those who may be vaccinated are Rikkyo students and faculty and staff.
Please keep in mind that even if you are vaccinated, you should continue to take basic preventive measures including wearing non-woven fabric masks, washing and sanitizing hands and social distancing.
Thanks to your dedicated effort to study and spend your life in a sincere manner, I think we are beginning to see a sign of full recovery to the original campus life. As the President of Rikkyo University, I am very grateful for your cooperation during these difficult times. Even in today’s COVID-19 era, I really hope that students and students as well as students, faculty and staff work together face to face to create a new campus, in which they may learn profoundly together.
立教大学総長 西原廉太
・立教エコキャップ推進委員会 REPC
【対 応】
そ の 他:
制限レベル | 状況 | 授業実施内容 |
0 | 通常。 | 制限はない。 |
1 | 感染が一定程度にとどまっている状態。 | 感染拡大に最大限の配慮をしつつ、対面授業を実施する。オンライン授業も活用する。 |
2 | 感染感染への警戒が必要な状態。 (一都三県の感染者数に増加がみられる場合等) | ミックス型(同時配信(一方向・双方向)併用型の対面授業)を推奨するが、オンライン授業(ライブ参加型双方向、ライブ視聴型一方向、オンデマンド型録画配信)、感染対策に十分配慮した上での対面授業も可とする。 |
3 | 緊急事態宣言等が発出されているが、大学への入構禁止要請は出ていない状態又は緊急事態宣言等は発出されていないが、それに準ずる状態。 | 原則としてオンライン授業のみ。 特に認められた場合に限り、感染対策に十分配慮した上での対面授業(ミックス型を含む)を可とする。 |
4 | 緊急事態宣言等が発出されており、大学への入構禁止要請が出ている状態。 | オンライン授業のみ。 |
To all students, faculty, and staff,
A state of emergency, which has been declared for four Prefectures including Tokyo, will be extended. Under the circumstances, Rikkyo’s restriction level when fall semester starts will be set as below.
In the future, we will make a decision promptly when there is an occasion, in which we will have to consider altering the restriction level as we comprehensively review the tendency of the number of COVID-19 positive cases in the Metropolitan areas, the requests from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), local governments or society.
Rikkyo’s measures
Restriction Level: 3 <Currently 3 (Extension))>
Start date: July 14 (Extension Date:September 10)
Restriction Level | Status | Course implementation |
0 | Normal | No restriction |
1 | Positive cases are stable. | In-person classes will be conducted as we pay the utmost attention to the viral expansion. Online classes will be also conducted. |
2 | We need to monitor the situation of positive cases.(Increase of positive cases in Tokyo and surrounding three Prefectures is identified.) | Mixed style of classes (synchronous<one-way and two-way> online classes with in-person classes) is encouraged, and online classes (live and interactive session, live and non-interactive session, on-demand video session) are allowed provided that the measures of the viral prevention are fully taken. |
3 | A state of emergency has been declared, but the entry to campus has not been restricted. Or a state of emergency has not been declared, and the entry to campus has not been restricted. | Basically, only online classes are conducted. Only when the permission is granted, in-person classes are allowed provided that the measures of viral prevention are fully taken. |
4 | A state of emergency has been declared, and the entry to campus has been restricted. | Only online classes are conducted. |
Reference: University Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
[Added September 29, 2021]
The following additional schedules have been implemented for Rikkyo’s “university-based vaccination”.
1. Date of vaccination (in order of implementation schedule) and vaccination site
(1) 1st: Saturday, October 9 - Niiza Campus Building No. 7
2nd: Saturday, November 6 - Niiza Campus Building No. 1
(2) 1st: Sunday, October 10 - Niiza Campus Building No. 7
2nd: Saturday, November 6 - Niiza Campus Building No. 1
(3) 1st: Monday, October 11 - Ikebukuro Campus Tachikawa Memorial Hall
2nd: Saturday, November 20 - Ikebukuro Campus Tachikawa Memorial Hall
(4) 1st: Tuesday, October 12 - Ikebukuro Campus Tachikawa Memorial Hall
2nd: Saturday, November 20 - Ikebukuro Campus Tachikawa Memorial Hall
*No classes will be held on Monday, October 11 or Tuesday, October 12.
• It is not possible to receive only the first or second shot.
• The dates and locations of the first and second vaccinations cannot be combined arbitrarily.
2. Eligibility
As a general rule, eligibility is limited to students and employees of the university for which this is their first vaccination. Students must obtain parental consent before applying.
Additionally, even if the above conditions are met, those who fall under (1) or (2) below are requested to refrain from applying to receive the vaccine.
(1) Those who have already made a reservation for vaccination through their local government, etc.
(2) Those with an underlying disease or those concerned about their health (if this is the case, please consult with your medical institution, etc.)
3. Vaccine information
The Takeda/Moderna vaccine will be used. Two doses are required across a 4-week period.
[Other vaccination sites]
The following venues are also continuing to provide vaccinations.
(1) Mass vaccination for university students, faculty, and staff held by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
(2) Large-scale vaccination conducted by the national government
• [Summary] Response to novel coronavirus infections
【Added September 3, 2021】
After approving the application for vaccination and delivering the vaccine, Rikkyo’s “university-based vaccination” is carried out as follows.
1. Date of vaccination (in order of implementation schedule) and vaccination site
(1) 1st: Saturday, September 11 - Niiza Campus Building No. 7
2nd: Saturday, October 9 - Niiza Campus Building No. 7
(2) 1st: Sunday, September 12 - Niiza Campus Building No. 7
2nd: Sunday, October 10 - Niiza Campus Building No.7
(3) 1st: Monday, September 13 - Ikebukuro Campus Tachikawa Memorial Hall
2nd: Monday, October 11 - Ikebukuro Campus Tachikawa Memorial Hall
(4) 1st: Tuesday, September 14 - Ikebukuro Campus Tachikawa Memorial Hall
2nd: Tuesday, October 12 - Ikebukuro Campus Tachikawa Memorial Hall
*No classes will be held on Monday, October 11 or Tuesday, October 12.
• It is not possible to receive only the first or second shot.
• The dates and locations of the first and second vaccinations cannot be combined arbitrarily.
2. Eligibility
As a general rule, eligibility is limited to students and employees of the university for which this is their first vaccination. Students must obtain parental consent before applying.
Additionally, even if the above conditions are met, those who fall under (1) or (2) below are requested to refrain from applying to receive the vaccine.
(1) Those who have already made a reservation for vaccination through their local government, etc.
(2) Those with an underlying disease or those concerned about their health (if this is the case, please consult with your medical institution, etc.)
3. Vaccine information
The Takeda/Moderna vaccine will be used. Two doses are required across a 4-week period.
[Other vaccination sites]
The following venues are also continuing to provide vaccinations.
(3) Mass vaccination for university students, faculty, and staff held by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
(4) Large-scale vaccination conducted by the national government
• [Summary] Response to novel coronavirus infections
[Postscript added on July 21]
The schedule for COVID-19 university vaccinations is still undetermined as already announced on July 9. If you have a vaccination voucher, you can get vaccination in your area. In addition, you can get vaccinated in either of the following ways. Here we give the links to the pages of the website of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
1) Mass vaccinations for university students, teachers, and other staff organized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government: (Inoculation reservation starts from 14:00 on July 27)
2) Mass vaccinations organized by Self-Defense Forces of Japan
[Postscript added on July 9]
Rikkyo University announced the other day that vaccinations at our university would take place in July. However, the related authorities, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare instructed us to postpone the vaccinations after the week started August 9.
The schedule is yet to be determined.
Due to such a situation, our students are recommended to get vaccinated in other places than the university as an alternative option such as the medical institution in the municipality that issues vaccination vouchers or your hometown and the mass vaccination venues organized by the national or local government if possible.
We will inform you of details of vaccinations at our university through our website, the internal portal site SPIRIT, and others as soon as determined.
[The important notice dated June 25]
Rikkyo Gakuin has decided to offer COVID-19 vaccinations at its Ikebukuro and Niiza Campuses as part of the workplace vaccination scheme promoted by the government.
Students of Rikkyo University and employees of Rikkyo Gakuin who wish to be vaccinated are eligible, and vaccinations are scheduled to begin in July.
*The start of vaccinations may be altered due to the status of vaccine distribution
By offering workplace vaccinations, we hope to contribute to preventing the spread of COVID-19 within Japan and to a safer and more secure environment for education, research and student life in encounters on campus.
Details of the vaccination program will be announced on our website, SPIRIT (the school portal site), etc. once they have been decided.
Details of the possibility of vaccinations through the Tokyo Government's COVID-19 Vaccination Promotion Support Program will also be announced as they become known.
(月)~(金) 10:30~15:30
(土) 10:30~12:30
[メール] volunteer@rikkyo.ac.jp
[電話] 03-3985-4651(池袋) 048-471-6682(新座)
① 自宅で検温し、発熱時(37.5度以上)の時や体調不良の時には無理して入構しないようにお願いします。
① 室内でのマスク着用の徹底、咳エチケットの徹底をお願いします。
② 窓口にはアクリル板を設置させていただきます。
③ ソーシャルディスタンスの確保にご協力ください。
④ 当面、室内での食事は禁止させていただきます(水分補給は可能です)。
① 手洗い励行をお願いします。
② 手指消毒用アルコールを配置(入口付近、共用廊下など)していますので、ご活用ください。
(4)換気 エアロゾル感染防止
① 窓の開放
② ドアの開放
③ 空調・換気装置の利用
July 9, 2021
Rikkyo University
President Renta Nishihara
To all students,
The government of Japan has decided to declare a state of emergency for Tokyo again from July 12, where the COVID-19 positive cases are on the rise. The semi-emergency coronavirus spread prevention measures, which has been enforced in Saitama since April 20, will continue to be effective. In response to the above, we will uplift the restriction level of Rikkyo’s guideline to restrict activities to Level 3 on July 14. Here I need to inform you of the incident which took place off campus that a number of students have been infected by COVID-19 in some dormitory. In a situation like this, I am sure there are some people who are concerned about how the final exams for Spring 2021 will be conducted, but Rikkyo University will conduct the final exams on campus during the period of July 14 to July 31, while paying close attention to the prevention of COVID-19 expansion.
University’s courses will not be completed when you finish taking them but will be completed only when your academic performance is justifiably evaluated. Each college establishes the syllabi for their courses to be offered based on the educational policies to organize curricula, clearly indicating the criteria for completion and provides the criteria and methods of evaluation so that the students may manage their studies in an effective manner. As a necessary method to thoroughly evaluate the students’ academic performance, we decide to provide such evaluation methods as written exams, report exams, and in-class points. Even in a current COVID-19 pandemic crisis, when we think it is necessary to justifiably evaluate students’ academic performance required for educational curricula, we decide to conduct written exams regardless of the style of the course (e.g. in-person, mixed, online, on-demand). Please note that we will take thorough measures as below in conducting written exams.
【Implementation of written exams in-person】
We conducted our undergraduate general entrance exams in-person, taking thorough viral prevention measures against COVID-19 based on the guideline by MEXT in the middle of the declaration of a state of emergency in this February. As a consequence of our measures, there was not any case of the viral expansion or clusters of COVID-19 positives, and all the entrance exams were successfully finished as scheduled.
When we started our classes for Spring 2021, we thoroughly conducted viral prevention measures against COVID-19, such as restricting entry to campus, placing sanitizers for each building, setting up a zone of taking a body temperature, adjusting distance between seats, improving ventilation equipment. We want you to know that we started our classes to be conducted in person for Spring 2021 based on our thorough viral prevention measures, adjusting the system of class implementation responding to the situation of the cases of COVID-19 positives. Since then, we have always continued to support students’ learning, making appropriate adjustments for the method of course implementation in accordance with the situation of COVID-19 positives in Tokyo area.
Currently, viral expansion of variants has also been reported, but we want you to know that the prevention measures which we have been taking are considered effective.
Today, many students are coming to campus for their classes to be conducted in person or online, we are taking necessary measures including thorough ventilation and securing enough lunch space to avoid congestion during the break. Of course, we will continue to work on the measures mentioned above during the period of final exams and make a thorough viral prevention against COVID-19 on campus.
Based on the above, with regards to the implementation of final exams, we stipulate the implementation policy responding to the level of Rikkyo’s guideline to restrict activities and decide to conduct written exams in person when the activities’ restriction level is 0 to 3.
【COVID-19 infection prevention policy in conducting written exams in person】
We make sure to follow the following measures thoroughly when we conduct written exams in person:
1. Students, faculty and staff will thoroughly carry out measures, such as wearing a mask, sanitizing hands and fingers, and taking a body temperature.
2. All the people at each exam venue are required to wear a mask.
3. All the people who will enter campus are required to take a body temperature upon entry to campus.
4. At each exam venue, alcohol sanitizers are placed near the entrance and exit of the room and on podium and near the common areas such as restrooms.
5. At each exam venue, examinees’ seats are pre-arranged so that the examinees may keep a certain distance from others.
6. At each exam venue, proctors will occasionally open the doors and windows for ventilation.
7. On the podium, where proctors may use, a partition will be placed.
8. Campus facilities and equipment will be thoroughly sanitized during the cleaning.
Regarding the prevention measures in conducting the final exams, please refer to 4. Special measures for Spring 2021 in the exam method for Rikkyo students dated June 30, 2021.
【Make-up exams (special measures)】
We will take thorough measures mentioned above, so you may rest assured to take written exams. If you are concerned about the health for yourself or your family members with whom you live by taking the written exams in person, we are going to take special measures for the make-up exams in early September. The requirements to take the make-up exams (special measures) will be announced separately by the university, so make sure to read the announcement by yourself.
【Request for students】
Some cases of COVID-19 positives have been reported at Rikkyo, but those cases have resulted from their activities and behavior outside of the classes. We want you to carry out a thorough action to observe the guideline to prevent the viral expansion of COVID-19, wear a mask, sanitize hands and fingers, and exercise social distancing.
The guideline to prevent the viral expansion of COVID-19 (2021) (updated April 14, 2021)
(https://spirit.rikkyo.ac.jp/newslist/_layouts/15/Vc5.Spirit.PortalV2/Post.aspx?ID=00022394 )
Please note that you should avoid congestion for taking a body temperature upon entry to campus and plan to arrive at campus ahead of time on the day of your written exams. Also when your written exams are finished or your use of campus facilities is finished, you are encouraged to go home without socializing or dining with your friends.
We sincerely hope that you will get back your campus life soon, in which we may see your smile everywhere on campus. Please understand that we are working hard to try our best. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation once again.
立教大学総長 西原廉太
( https://www.rikkyo.ac.jp/admissions/news/2021/mknpps000001eg69.html )
To all students, faculty, and staff,
A state of emergency has been declared for Tokyo, and currently the semi-emergency coronavirus spread prevention measures are still in effect for the three Prefectures of the Metropolitan areas including Saitama.
At Rikkyo University, we have decided to take the measures below. In the future, we will make a decision promptly when there is an occasion, in which we will have to consider altering the restriction level as we comprehensively review the tendency of the number of COVID-19 positive cases in the Metropolitan areas, the requests from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), local governments or society.
Rikkyo’s measures
Restriction Level: 3 <Currently 2 (Refer to the chart below)>
Start date: July 14
Restriction Level | Status | Course implementation |
0 | Normal | No restriction |
1 | Positive cases are stable. | In-person classes will be conducted as we pay the utmost attention to the viral expansion. Online classes will be also conducted. |
2 | We need to monitor the situation of positive cases.(Increase of positive cases in Tokyo and surrounding three Prefectures is identified.) | Mixed style of classes (synchronous<one-way and two-way> online classes with in-person classes) is encouraged, and online classes (live and interactive session, live and non-interactive session, on-demand video session) are allowed provided that the measures of the viral prevention are fully taken. |
3 | A state of emergency has been declared, but the entry to campus has not been restricted. Or a state of emergency has not been declared, and the entry to campus has not been restricted. | Basically, only online classes are conducted. Only when the permission is granted, in-person classes are allowed provided that the measures of viral prevention are fully taken. |
4 | A state of emergency has been declared, and the entry to campus has been restricted. | Only online classes are conducted. |
Reference: University Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
【対 応】
そ の 他:
制限レベル | 状況 | 授業実施内容 |
0 | 通常。 | 制限はない。 |
1 | 感染が一定程度にとどまっている状態。 | 感染拡大に最大限の配慮をしつつ、対面授業を実施する。オンライン授業も活用する。 |
2 | 感染感染への警戒が必要な状態。 (一都三県の感染者数に増加がみられる場合等) | ミックス型(同時配信(一方向・双方向)併用型の対面授業)を推奨するが、オンライン授業(ライブ参加型双方向、ライブ視聴型一方向、オンデマンド型録画配信)、感染対策に十分配慮した上での対面授業も可とする。 |
3 | 緊急事態宣言等が発出されているが、大学への入構禁止要請は出ていない状態又は緊急事態宣言等は発出されていないが、それに準ずる状態。 | 原則としてオンライン授業のみ。 特に認められた場合に限り、感染対策に十分配慮した上での対面授業(ミックス型を含む)を可とする。 |
4 | 緊急事態宣言等が発出されており、大学への入構禁止要請が出ている状態。 | オンライン授業のみ。 |
(月)~(金) 9:00~17:00
(土) 9:00~12:30
[メール] volunteer@rikkyo.ac.jp
[電話] 03-3985-4651(池袋) 048-471-6682(新座)
① 自宅で検温し、発熱時(37.5度以上)の時や体調不良の時には無理して入構しないようにお願いします。
① 室内でのマスク着用の徹底、咳エチケットの徹底をお願いします。
② 窓口にはアクリル板を設置させていただきます。
③ ソーシャルディスタンスの確保にご協力ください。
④ 当面、室内での食事は禁止させていただきます(水分補給は可能です)。
① 手洗い励行をお願いします。
② 手指消毒用アルコールを配置(入口付近、共用廊下など)していますので、ご活用ください。
(4)換気 エアロゾル感染防止
① 窓の開放
② ドアの開放
③ 空調・換気装置の利用
【対 応】
そ の 他:
制限レベル |
状況 |
授業実施内容 |
0 |
通常。 |
制限はない。 |
1 |
感染が一定程度にとどまっている状態。 |
感染拡大に最大限の配慮をしつつ、対面授業を実施する。オンライン授業も活用する。 |
2 |
感染への警戒が必要な状態。 (一都三県の感染者数に増加がみられる場合等) |
ミックス型(同時配信(一方向・双方向)併用型の対面授業)を推奨するが、オンライン授業(ライブ参加型双方向、ライブ視聴型一方向、オンデマンド型録画配信)、感染対策に十分配慮した上での対面授業も可とする。 |
3 |
緊急事態宣言等が発出されているが、大学への入構禁止要請は出ていない状態又は緊急事態宣言等は発出されていないが、それに準ずる状態。 |
原則としてオンライン授業のみ。 特に認められた場合に限り、感染対策に十分配慮した上での対面授業(ミックス型を含む)を可とする。 |
4 |
緊急事態宣言等が発出されており、大学への入構禁止要請が出ている状態。 |
オンライン授業のみ。 |
To all students, faculty, and staff,
A state of emergency declared for Tokyo has been lifted, but the semi-emergency coronavirus spread prevention measures continues to be in effect for Tokyo and the three Prefectures of the Metropolitan area including Saitama. In response to this, we have decided to take the measures as below.
In the future, we will make a decision promptly when there is an occasion, in which we will have to consider altering the restriction level as we comprehensively review the tendency of the number of COVID-19 positive cases in the Metropolitan areas, the requests from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), local governments or society.
Rikkyo’s measures
Restriction Level: 2 <Currently 3 (Refer to the chart below)>
Start date: June 23
Restriction Level |
Status |
Course implementation |
0 |
Normal |
No restriction |
1 |
Positive cases are
stable. |
In-person classes will
be conducted as we pay the utmost attention to the viral expansion. Online
classes will be also conducted. |
2 |
We need to monitor the
situation of positive cases.(Increase of positive cases in Tokyo and surrounding three
Prefectures is identified.) |
Mixed style of classes
(synchronous<one-way and two-way> online classes with in-person
classes) is encouraged, and online classes (live and interactive session,
live and non-interactive session, on-demand video session) are allowed provided
that the measures of the viral prevention are fully taken. |
3 |
A state of emergency has been declared, but the entry to
campus has not been restricted. Or a state of emergency has not been
declared, and the entry to campus has not been restricted. |
Basically, only online classes are conducted. Only when
the permission is granted, in-person classes are allowed provided that the measures
of viral prevention are fully taken. |
4 |
A state of emergency has been declared, and the entry to
campus has been restricted. |
Only online classes are conducted. |
Reference: University Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
To all students, faculty, and staff
The government considers extending the state of emergency to be declared for Tokyo and other Prefectures and the semi-emergency coronavirus spread prevention measures for the three Prefectures of the Metropolitan areas including Saitama. In response to this, we have decided to take the measures as below.
In the future, we will make a decision promptly when there is an occasion, in which we will have to consider altering the restriction level as we comprehensively review the tendency of the number of COVID-19 positive cases in the Metropolitan areas, the requests from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), local governments or society.
Rikkyo’s measures
Restriction Level: 3 <Currently 3 (Refer to the chart below)>
Period: June 2 to June 22
* Depending on the situation, the period is subject to change (shortened or lengthened)
Restriction Level |
Status |
Course implementation |
0 |
Normal |
No restriction |
1 |
Positive cases are stable. |
In-person classes will be conducted as we pay the utmost
attention to the viral expansion. Online classes will be also conducted. |
2 |
We need to monitor the situation of positive cases.(Increase
of positive cases in Tokyo and surrounding three Prefectures is identified.) |
Mixed style of classes (synchronous<one-way and
two-way> online classes with in-person classes) is encouraged, and online
classes (live and interactive session, live and non-interactive session,
on-demand video session) are allowed provided that the measures of the viral
prevention are fully taken. |
3 |
A state of emergency has
been declared, but the entry to campus has not been restricted. Or a state of
emergency has not been declared, and the entry to campus has not been
restricted. |
Basically, only online
classes are conducted. Only when the permission is granted, in-person classes
are allowed provided that the measures of viral prevention are fully taken. |
4 |
A state of emergency has
been declared, and the entry to campus has been restricted. |
Only online classes are
conducted. |
Reference: University Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
【対 応】
期 間:6月2日~6月22日
※ 状況により、変更(短縮・延長)する場合有り。
そ の 他:
制限レベル |
状況 |
授業実施内容 |
0 |
通常。 |
制限はない。 |
1 |
感染が一定程度にとどまっている状態。 |
感染拡大に最大限の配慮をしつつ、対面授業を実施する。オンライン授業も活用する。 |
2 |
感染への警戒が必要な状態。 (一都三県の感染者数に増加がみられる場合等) |
ミックス型(同時配信(一方向・双方向)併用型の対面授業)を推奨するが、オンライン授業(ライブ参加型双方向、ライブ視聴型一方向、オンデマンド型録画配信)、感染対策に十分配慮した上での対面授業も可とする。 |
3 |
緊急事態宣言等が発出されているが、大学への入構禁止要請は出ていない状態又は緊急事態宣言等は発出されていないが、それに準ずる状態。 |
原則としてオンライン授業のみ。 特に認められた場合に限り、感染対策に十分配慮した上での対面授業(ミックス型を含む)を可とする。 |
4 |
緊急事態宣言等が発出されており、大学への入構禁止要請が出ている状態。 |
オンライン授業のみ。 |
「緊急事態宣言発出への本学の対応 2021年4月27日(火)」でお知らせしました、2021年6月2日(水)以降の授業実施方法については、
To all students, faculty, and staff
With regards to Rikkyo's measures for the course implementation after Wednesday, June 2, 2021 as we notified in "Rikkyo's response to the declaration of a state of emergency on Tuesday, April 27, 2021," we will notify again on or around Friday, May 28, 2021 via the University's Homepage or Spirit Mail since the government's policy on the declaration of a state of emergency will be disclosed soon.
・しおり(Leaflet): どんなことがハラスメントにあたるのかをわかりやすくマンガで紹介しています。
・「相談の流れ」: 実際に相談したいときの具体的な流れを説明しています(2021年4月1日から更新しました)。
☞Process for Addressing Harassment(英語版-English)
立教大学総長 西原廉太
A state of emergency has been declared for the four Prefectures including Tokyo, and currently the semi-emergency coronavirus spread prevention measures are still in effect for the three Prefectures of the Metropolitan areas including Saitama. The situation of coronavirus, which is rapidly expanding, remains unpredictable and needs to be monitored.
At Rikkyo University, we have decided to take the measures below. In the future, we will make a decision promptly when there is an occasion, in which we will have to consider altering the restriction level as we comprehensively review the tendency of the number of COVID-19 positive cases in the Metropolitan areas, the requests from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), local governments or society.
Rikkyo’s measures
Restriction Level: 3 <Currently 1 (Refer to the chart below)>
Period: April 29 to June 1(end of “spring semester 1”)
* Depending on the situation, the period is subject to change (shortened or lengthened)
Restriction Level |
Status |
Course implementation |
0 |
Normal |
No restriction |
1 |
Positive cases are stable. |
In-person classes will be conducted as we pay the utmost
attention to the viral expansion. Online classes will be also conducted. |
2 |
We need to monitor the situation of positive cases.(Increase
of positive cases in Tokyo and surrounding three Prefectures is identified.) |
Mixed style of classes (synchronous<one-way and
two-way> online classes with in-person classes) is encouraged, and online
classes (live and interactive session, live and non-interactive session,
on-demand video session) are allowed provided that the measures of the viral
prevention are fully taken. |
3 |
A state of emergency has
been declared, but the entry to campus has not been restricted. Or a state of
emergency has not been declared, and the entry to campus has not been
restricted. |
Basically, only online
classes are conducted. Only when the permission is granted, in-person classes
are allowed provided that the measures of viral prevention are fully taken. |
4 |
A state of emergency has
been declared, and the entry to campus has been restricted. |
Only online classes are
conducted. |
Reference: University Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
【対 応】
期 間:4月29日~6月1日(「春学期1」期間終了日)
※ 状況により、変更(短縮・延長)する場合有り。
そ の 他:
制限レベル |
状況 |
授業実施内容 |
0 |
通常。 |
制限はない。 |
1 |
感染が一定程度にとどまっている状態。 |
感染拡大に最大限の配慮をしつつ、対面授業を実施する。オンライン授業も活用する。 |
2 |
感染への警戒が必要な状態。 (一都三県の感染者数に増加がみられる場合等) |
ミックス型(同時配信(一方向・双方向)併用型の対面授業)を推奨するが、オンライン授業(ライブ参加型双方向、ライブ視聴型一方向、オンデマンド型録画配信)、感染対策に十分配慮した上での対面授業も可とする。 |
3 |
緊急事態宣言等が発出されているが、大学への入構禁止要請は出ていない状態又は緊急事態宣言等は発出されていないが、それに準ずる状態。 |
原則としてオンライン授業のみ。 特に認められた場合に限り、感染対策に十分配慮した上での対面授業(ミックス型を含む)を可とする。 |
4 |
緊急事態宣言等が発出されており、大学への入構禁止要請が出ている状態。 |
オンライン授業のみ。 |
April 27, 2021
Rikkyo University
President Renta Nishihara
Dear Rikkyo students,
I am sure that each of you had a good start for your campus life as the new academic
Year 2021 began this April. We thoroughly took all possible measures for the viral prevention in the classrooms and on campus at Rikkyo University and resumed in-person classes and extracurricular activities on campus as we were fully prepared. It has been exciting for our faculty and staff to see you smile on our campuses in Ikebukuro and Niiza.
However, as we experience a rapid increase of COVID-19 positive cases in Tokyo Metropolitan areas, the semi-emergency viral spread prevention measures were enforced for Tokyo on April 12 and Saitama on April 20. It is reported by the media that in the viral expansion of today called “the 4th wave,” the prevalence of the variant N501Y has been identified and the ratio of infection has been high especially among the young people. In addition, on April 23, the national government made an official decision to declare a state of emergency for Tokyo. In response to this decision, Rikkyo University was requested to restrict a stream of people.
Although your student life just started on campus, we have decided to respond to the government’s request and restrict a stream of people. Above all, we came to a conclusion to make a temporary alteration so that we can protect the “life and health” of our students, faculty and staff and also continue your studies although we are in a state of emergency.
To be precise, the restriction level in Rikkyo’s policy to restrict activities (regular courses) for the prevention of coronavirus spread will be raised from level 1 (Positive cases are stable) to level 3 (A state of emergency has been declared, but the entry to campus has not been restricted), and basically, our classes are conducted online only. Please note that as for the classes, in which in-person instructions are considered to be necessary, we will continue such classes to be conducted in person, while conducting online instructions synchronously as we take thorough measures of the viral prevention.
Please understand that our faculty and staff are aware of the significance for the classes to be conducted in person, and we really hoped that we could continue our in-person classes as they are, but we eventually came to a conclusion to decide on the temporary alteration. For the time being, this alteration will be temporary and effective until Tuesday, June 1 (the end of Semester 1 of Spring Semester). Judging from a number of conditions comprehensively, we aim to resume our classes to be conducted in-person immediately when the situation allows. Please continue to check our notifications from the University and check the status of your classes.
From what we experienced in the last academic year, we came to realize the value of the studies to use online instructions and also the advantages and potential for students’ activities. I would like you to work on your studies in a positive manner and challenge yourself the studies which may be possible only via online.
In addition, I have requests for all Rikkyo students. Please take positive action for the viral prevention and for the protection of life and studies. First of all, it is important for each one of you to conduct health management and self-management. It is needless to say that you should be careful on campus, but you must be particularly careful when you speak with others as you dine with others off campus. Please make sure not to organize the social gatherings or parties with the members of your seminars or student circles or clubs, in which dining and drinking are included. I want you to observe this rule to prevent the virus from spreading appropriately in your daily life, which will lead to protect “life and health” of your beloved family and friends as well as yourself.
Your entry to the campuses in Ikebukuro and Niiza is allowed during the period of this temporary alteration of our course implementation policy. You also may visit library and some of the classroom facilities according to their conditions. Please do not hesitate to ask us at the counter of administrative offices when you have concerns or something to confirm as you spend a student life. Our faculty and staff members will do their best to support your studies and life. Let us think and work together and overcome all these difficult times.
The challenges for us to confront are also to confirm our responsibilities as we learn confronting this historic situation of the global pandemic caused by COVID-19. Original meanings of “liberal arts” which we value can be summarized in the following points: (1) truly necessary “knowledge” as long as we live, (2) sensitivity to sympathize others’ pains and share their suffering, (3) global perspective of world history and human history and historical perception, and (4) global talent
At this moment, international travels across the borders are still restricted to prevent the viral spread of COVID-19. Therefore, I would like you to have a close look at the world in a great hardship today. I would like you to think about the future which lies ahead.
Please keep in your mind that those suffering from the illness will be given the medical treatment they need. May the health of all those who are working to end this pandemic, medical staff and the people who support the patients will be protected. May there be comfort for those who have died and for their families who are left behind. May all those who are facing uncertainty and confusion will receive support.
Let us sincerely pray those things above and continue to learn from “true liberal arts,” which may be able to play an important role to the issues we confront today.
Dear students and faculty and staff,
A state of emergency will be declared for the four Prefectures including Tokyo, and currently the semi-emergency coronavirus spread
prevention measures are still in effect for Tokyo and surrounding three Prefectures including Saitama. The situation of coronavirus,
which is rapidly expanding, remains unpredictable and needs to be monitored.
Accordingly, Rikkyo’s course implementation policy will be updated and announced on Tuesday, April 27 via our e-mails and website.
Our classes will be basically conducted online from Thursday, April 29, and please make preparations for your classes to be conducted online.
Dear Rikkyo students,
The semi-emergency coronavirus spread prevention measures have been enforced also in Tokyo. However, as we indicate below, we are taking thorough measures against the viral spread to secure safety in the classrooms and on campus. Therefore, we have decided to conduct the classes of Colleges and Graduate Schools as originally scheduled, so that your studies may continue and not be interrupted.
Our current measures include:
We are taking preventive measures as much as possible to secure safety in the classrooms and campus facilities as you may see, so you can be reassured to take classes on campus.
On the other hand, please remember that each student has to have appropriate awareness and behavior of viral prevention to secure safety in the classrooms, on campus, and during commuting. Please note that your studies on campus may be interrupted again unless you follow appropriate awareness and behavior. Please make sure to take viral prevention measures thoroughly, while you should be proud of being a Rikkyo student and be considerate of others. In particular, you are encouraged to exercise the following:
Depending on the situation of viral spread in the future, we may have to change the style of classes at any time. For the update, please regularly check your SPIRIT mails and Rikkyo’s official website.
・・・English version follows the Japanese text.・・・
総長 西原廉太
Renta Nishihara, President
To all the new students, I would like to say, Welcome to Rikkyo University and to a bright new school year ahead. Congratulations to all the new students on your enrollment. Rikkyo University has been looking forward to celebrating spring with all of you. Again, we would like to express our sincere happiness that you could join our university.
The year up to today has been a series of unprecedented events that we have never experienced before. Human contact and circulation among people have been suppressed because of the worldwide outbreak of the new coronavirus. This made us realize the importance of human relationships again. It was a year that made us look at and think deeply about the preciousness of being with others and working together to illuminate our own path.
Despite these situations, Rikkyo University has been creating a new campus life through trial and error in order for students to keep learning. We have recognized the importance of face-to-face education and have been exploring new possibilities for online classes while placing the highest priority on mental, physical, and social health. Rikkyo University also supports students in promoting a diversity of learning according to your own aspirations and in maximizing your own outstanding and bright “strengths.” We hope that you will start your new life with Rikkyo University as a base for creating new and innovative values.
We predict that your four years at Rikkyo University will be as we approach the milestone of the 150th anniversary of our founding. With all of you, fellow students, faculty, and staff, will work hand in hand to create the next era of Rikkyo University.
Renta Nishihara
President of Rikkyo University
・・・English version follows the Japanese text.・・・
総長 西原廉太
Renta Nishihara, President
To all new second-year students, I would like to say, welcome back to Rikkyo University and to wish you a bright new school year ahead.
We are facing the crisis of a global pandemic of the new coronavirus infection and are making gradual progress in overcoming it. It once seemed as if our normal daily lives had been lost since all on-campus activities were restricted at the university. Rikkyo University, however, has been gradually resuming campus activities including face-to-face education and has continued to do so until today. This is because we have been gathering the wisdom of the people and continuing to search for a way of being that is unique to Rikkyo University, where no one is left behind.
For those of you who are in your second year, your new life at the university has begun with inconvenience and uncertainty. We are sure that some of you have had painful and discouraging times. Your seniors also had to give up some of their seminars and extracurricular activities just as they were about to get involved with you. Yet I have no doubt that you have spent the last year with a sense of pride as Rikkyo students. I hope that you will make the most of the experience in your new campus life and reach even greater levels of success.
Rikkyo University is currently preparing to welcome you to our campus. Each college and department will make their own efforts to create educational practices that will enhance your future learning with due consideration of safety and wellness, I think this will be reflected as classes that effectively develop face-to-face education while taking advantage of the benefits of online lectures. We hope that you will become a leader in creating new and innovative values for the further development of Rikkyo University.
Unfortunately, we were unable to hold the entrance ceremony for your enrollment last year. We have now decided to hold an "Entrance Ceremony for New Second-Year Students" as a time of encouragement for those of you who are starting your studies at the campus in a fresh way, although it is a year late.
The event is to be held on Saturday, April 24, at Tucker Hall, Ikebukuro Campus. For more details, please check the information.
We are looking forward to seeing you all there.
Renta Nishihara
President of Rikkyo University
April 1st, 2021
Rikkyo University
President Renta Nishihara
In 1874, when Bishop Channing Moore Williams founded Rikkyo University (then known as Rikkyo School) in Tsukiji Tokyo, he drew a clear distinction from utilitarianism and the trend in Japan at the time to make knowledge and skills into tools for prosperity and personal advancement. Instead, he positioned Rikkyo as "a place for true human education, based on Christianity". Since then, Rikkyo University’s motto has always been to value the dignity of each individual as a human being and to nurture people who can feel and empathize with the pain of others.
In 2005, then-president Teruo Oshimi issued the “Rikkyo Declaration of Human Collaboration.” The aims of the declaration are that education should actively reach out into society to collaborate with various people, rather than being self-contained within the university, and that students should look to those who lead difficult lives or are made vulnerable in society, particularly by illness, disability, or disasters, and aim to realize a society where people can live together without harming each other.
It has already been 16 years since our university issued the Rikkyo Declaration of Human Collaboration. Over those years, we have been able to deepen and advance its operation, through actions such as the Student Affairs Office, the Student Counseling Center, the University Chaplains’ Office, the Center for Human Rights and Harassment Prevention, the Volunteer Center, the Gender Forum, the establishment of the Students with Disabilities Support Office, the Rikkyo Service Learning Center, the Rikkyo Research Center for Cooperative Civil Societies, and the great east Japan earthquake recovery support activities.
In 2008, we stated our Declaration of the Prevention of Campus Harassment, declaring zero tolerance for campus harassment among students, teaching staff, and others, through speech or behavior concerning matters pertaining to personal attributes or character, which could harm people, causes them harm or disadvantage, or infringes their human rights. These personal attributes include gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, physical status, place of origin, family relationships, faith, nationality, ethnicity, race, and occupation or other social position.
Campus harassment means causing disadvantage or discomfort to another person, in the context of education, research, or work in the university, using power relationships concerning study or work, or causing gross disturbance to the study and work environment. Sexual harassment, academic harassment, and power harassment, are typical examples. Furthermore, this university must contribute to attaining the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which set the realization of a world where we "Leave No One Behind" as one of the goals, and to movements to value human dignity in a society under chronic COVID-19 infection.
The word "dignity" is derived from "dignitas" in Latin, which has the original meaning of "having a value in its existence". The existence of all living things created by God has value, and that value must never be diminished. That is the core doctrine of Christianity that has been the principle for Rikkyo University since its foundation.
Based on the above two declarations, we have issued the following Rikkyo University Declaration of Human Dignity, and we position real collaborative action by all the students, faculty and staff who make up Rikkyo University as this university's most important task.
Rikkyo University Declaration of Human Dignity
[1] Rikkyo University cultivates character based on Christianity and educates students to foster awareness of human dignity.
Rikkyo University respects the character, human rights, and human dignity of every individual, and aspires to be a place for free learning and education which brings out each person’s fullest capability. We pursue regular education and extra-curricular education that foster awareness of human rights and a sense of belonging.
[2] Rikkyo University nurtures people to have the sensitivity and intellect to communicate and share their learning and experiences with other people.
We provide society with citizens who possess open intellect that enables them to correctly convey their learning and experiences to others, rather than keeping such experiences to themselves. We aspire to create a campus where each individual is free to inspire and interact with everyone else, recognizes the existence of other people living under difficult conditions, and coexists with them.
[3] Rikkyo University takes an unwavering attitude to the elimination and prevention of all forms of campus harassment.
Campus harassment is behavior that could harm the personal dignity and infringes the human rights of individuals. It is also behavior that harms the environment that supports education and research in the university. Rikkyo University does not tolerate any such behavior, and maintains an environment where it does not occur.
立教大学総長 西原 廉太
学びと体験を個人にとどめず、他者に正しく伝達できる「開かれた知性」をもった市民を社会に送り出します 。それぞれが自由に触発・交流し合い、他者、とりわけ生きる条件のきびしい他者存在を受けとめて生き合うキャンパスづくりをめざします。
See here for English version.
1. 日常生活・学内での行動
(1) 新しい生活様式
(2) 学内での注意事項
① 屋内・屋外問わず近距離で会話を行う場合はマスクの着用を推奨します。
※1 マスクは感染防止効果の高い不織布タイプを推奨しますが、体質的に合わない場合は、ウレタン製や布製マスクでも良いです。
※2 マスク着用により熱中症のリスクが高まります。『厚生労働省:「新しい生活様式」における熱中症予防行動のポイント』 を参考に、体調管理にも注意しましょう。
② 咳エチケットを徹底してください。
③ 石鹸による手洗いを徹底し、必要に応じて手指の消毒等を行ってください。
④ 人と人の間隔を十分にとってください。
⑤ 課外活動や業務においては、オンラインシステムやメール等を活用し、できる限り人が「密」に集まる形を避けてください。
⑥ 発熱等の風邪症状や味覚・嗅覚異常などがある場合については、『新型コロナウイルス感染症についての入構の可否』をご確認ください。
⑦ 食事は、出来るだけ個々に距離をとって食べましょう。
(3) 日々の体調管理をこころがける
(4) 課外活動や友人等との会食について
2. 学内の感染症防止対策
(1) 清掃及び消毒
(2) 消毒液の設置
(3) 換気の徹底
(4) 飛沫の防止
3. 学生・教職員の陽性診断が確定された場合の対応
(1) 学内での行動履歴等の調査
・ 陽性と診断された本人等に対するヒアリング(発症の原因となる陽性者との接触、大学内での行動履歴やマスク着用等の状況を確認)
・ 学内での濃厚接触者の確認
・ 陽性と診断された本人に対する入構禁止等の措置(必要に応じて、接触した者を含む)
(2) 感染拡大防止の対応
4. 参考
◆ 新型コロナウイルスに関する情報
◆ 海外渡航に関する情報
January 7, 2021
Dear students,
As you know, the government currently considers issuing the declaration of a state of emergency (hereafter “the declaration”) in Tokyo and neighboring three prefectures, where Rikkyo’s campuses are located. The declaration at this time is not expected to set a strict restriction for educational facilities, but we cannot remain intact from on-going deterioration of infected cases of COVID-19.
One of the purposes for the declaration is considered to restrict going out. Based on this, part of in-person classes will be switched to online classes, so that you may avoid going out or especially coming to campus as much as possible. With regards to online classes to be switched, you will be contacted from your instructors via email. Please make sure to check your emails.
Also, after the declaration is issued, please make sure to avoid entry to campus as much as possible except for attending in-person classes or using library, which is reserved for you. Even when you need to come to campus, please make sure to take such thorough preventive actions against infection as wearing a mask on campus. With regards to the restriction on extra-curricular activities, I want you to follow the instructions from Student Affairs Division.
Regarding the course implementation policy for academic year 2021, we plan on providing optimal educational environments, while offering you more opportunities of in-person classes in combination with online classes as we notified on December 21. Individual effort and attention from each one of you on a regular basis are the most important, so that we may take maximum possible measures and continue offering you appropriate educational environments in order to make both your campus life and preventive measures against COVID-19 successful. In addition to your routine preventive measures including wearing a mask and sanitizing your hands oftentimes, please make sure to avoid any activities that are considered as a high risk of infection even when you are off campus.
I do hope that your high level of awareness will make your campus life at Rikkyo for academic year 2021 much more fruitful.
Yangchoon Kwak
Refer to course implementation policy for academic year 2021
郭 洋春
See here for English version.
(1) 『厚生労働省:「新しい生活様式」の実践例』参考に、これまで以上に感染予防に努める。
(2) 日常的に規則正しい生活(バランスのよい食事、十分な睡眠、適度な運動)で免疫力を高める。
(3) 毎日、朝晩2回の検温を行い、日々の体調を把握する。
(1) 屋内・屋外問わず近距離で会話を行う場合はマスクの着用を推奨。
※1 マスクは感染防止効果の高い不織布タイプを推奨するが、体質的に合わない場合は、ウレタン製や布製マスクでも良い。
※2 マスク着用により熱中症のリスクが高まる。『厚生労働省:「新しい生活様式」における熱中症予防行動のポイント』を参考に、体調管理にも注意すること。
(2) 咳エチケットを徹底する。
(3) 建物の入口に設置された消毒液により、手指消毒を行うこと。
(4) 本学ホームページに掲載している「新型コロナウイルス感染症についての入構の可否」に基づき、入構可否を判断し、各自の状況に照らし合わせ適切な行動を取る。(2023年5月7日までの適用)
3. 学内での行動
(1) 活動全般
① 「健康管理・行動履歴シート」を利用して、毎日健康状態、行動を記録する。
② 課外活動やその他の活動において、オンラインシステムやメール等を活用し、できるだけ人が「密」に集まることを避ける。
③ 入構後に発熱や体調不良となった場合は、学内施設の使用を控え、速やかに帰宅する。
④ 人と人の間隔を十分にとる。また会話や発声時には、特に間隔を広く空ける。
⑤ エレベーター内は「密」な状態となるため、体の不自由な方、機材の運搬等以外は階段を利用する。
(2) 飲食
① 食事中は会話を控える。
② 食堂を利用する場合は、前述のほかに次の点について実施する。
・ 食堂に設置されている消毒液により、手指の消毒を行う。
・ 食券の購入、食事の受け取り等のために並ぶ場合は、人と人との間隔を空ける。
・ 食事等が終了次第、速やかに退店し食堂内での滞留時間を短くする。
以 上
To all students, faculty, and staff
[Note] The following content is applicable until May 7, 2023.
be informed of the following information.
(1) If a
doctor diagnosed with COVID-19 infection (Including cases where registration to
the local government's positive person registration website (*1) is completed based on the test
results of a commercially available medical antigen test kit) (after September
26, 2022)
*1) The name may differ depending on the local
government. (eg health follow-up center, etc.)
Please register with the local government's positive
person registration website as soon as possible.
When registering, please keep
the necessary materials for registration (outer box of the test kit,
photograph of the specimen showing the test results, etc.) until the registration procedure is completed.
When you receive a registration completion SMS from
the website, please follow the instructions on it promptly.
Even if you have been examined at a medical
institution, etc., it is necessary to register with the positive person
registration website. (Except when instructed by a medical institution,
etc. that registration is unnecessary)
[1] Students
Please notify the university’s Health Center (healthcenter@rikkyo.ac.jp).
◆ Check
here about classes.
[2] Faculty
Please send this form to the university’s Health Center (healthcenter@rikkyo.ac.jp).
◆ As soon as you
have notified us through the Health Center, the Academic Affairs Office will
contact you to discuss future classes.
◆ Refer
to “IX-2-3. Response in the event that a faculty member or class assistant
(TA/SA, etc.) becomes infected, etc.” described in “Academic Guide” for handling of conducting classes.
◆ Check here about handling of reporting for work.
[3] Staff
Please send this form to the university’s Health Center (healthcenter@rikkyo.ac.jp).
Please also contact your supervisor.
◆ Check here about handling of reporting for work.
[Note] If you have received notification of a determination that you “are suspected positive” (*2) in a test such as a monitoring test conducted by the national government or prefecture, or a test at a private PCR testing center, follow the instructions of the testing institution, etc., please make a report as described in [1]-[3] above after you visit a medical institution and are confirmed positive, or after you have completed registration with the positive person registration website designated by each local government.
*2) Different phrasing may be used
depending on testing institutions.
(2) If there is a risk of infection
Check “Campus Entry Possibility RegardingCOVID-19” for information if there is a risk of infection.
[1] Students
(a) Those identified as a close contact (including those who live with someone, such as a family member, who was diagnosed positive)
➡ Please notify the university’s Health Center (healthcenter@rikkyo.ac.jp).
*Check here about classes.
(b) Those other than the above
➡ Contacting the Health Center is
* Check here about classes.
[2] Faculty employees
If either (a) or (b) below applies, please
send this form to the Headquarters for COVID-19
Countermeasures (covid-report@rikkyo.ac.jp).
The Headquarters for COVID-19
Countermeasures will then share the information with the Academic Affairs
(a) Those identified as a close contact (including those who live with someone, such as a family member, who was diagnosed positive)
(b) If any of the other “at risk of infection” cases
described in "Campus Entry Possibility RegardingCOVID-19" are applicable and you are in charge
of face-to-face classes or find it difficult to conduct online classes
*The Academic Affairs Office may contact you to
confirm class implementation depending on the content reported on the above
form. In addition, please see here for the contact method / information for
Academic Affairs (for the college to which you belong or the college offering
the course of which you are in charge) to discuss class implementation, etc.
*Refer to “IX-2-3. Response in the event that a faculty member or class assistant (TA/SA, etc.) becomes infected, etc.” described in “Academic Guide” for handling of conducting classes.
*Check here for handling of reporting for work.
[3] Staff employees
Please send this form to your supervisor.
*Check here for handling of reporting for work.
To all students, faculty, and staff
[Note] The following content is applicable until May 7, 2023.
If a positive diagnosis for COVID-19 has
been confirmed or if there is concern that one will be confirmed, campus entry
possibility is stipulated as follows.
Please take appropriate action according
to your situation in order to prevent the spread of infection.
* Please take your body
temperature at home before commuting to school or work.
If your temperature is 37.5℃ or higher, you will not be allowed to enter campus regardless of the following.
Temperature check stations have been set up at multiple
buildings on campus, so please take your temperature as needed on your own.
Furthermore, taking into
account the societal circumstances concerning COVID-19, there may be some
restrictions on campus entrance and reception hours. Information is
posted as the situation requires on “University's Countermeasures against the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19)”, so please check it from time to time.
1. If a doctor diagnosed with COVID-19 infection (Including cases where registration to the local government's positive person registration center is completed based on the test results of a commercially available medical antigen test kit)
The treatment period for symptomatic
and asymptomatic patients is as follows.
As soon as medical treatment is lifted, you will be able to enter the university campus.
(1) In case of symptomatic person
(a) In case of inpatient treatment
If 10 days have passed since the onset
of symptoms and 72 hours have passed since the symptoms subsided, medical
treatment can be canceled from the 11th day. (It becomes possible to enter the
(b) Persons other than (a) above
If 7 days have passed since the onset
of symptoms and 24 hours have passed since the symptoms subsided, medical
treatment can be canceled from the 8th day. (It becomes possible to enter the
* Please refrain from contact with high-risk
persons, visits to high-risk facilities, eating and drinking with large numbers
of people, attending large-scale events, and other high-risk activities until
after 10 days have elapsed.
* If you have been treated with a respirator,
follow the instructions of the medical institution.
(2) In case of asymptomatic persons
If 7 days have passed since the sample
collection date, the medical treatment can be canceled from the 8th day. (It
becomes possible to enter the campus)
* If the test result of a commercially available medical antigen test
kit is negative on the 5th day after the first sample collection, you will be
allowed to enter the campus from the 6th day.
* Please refrain from contact with high-risk persons, visits to
high-risk facilities, eating and drinking with large numbers of people,
attending large-scale events, and other high-risk activities until after 7 days
have elapsed.
2. If there is a risk of infection
Anyone who falls under any of the following conditions
shall be deemed "at risk of COVID-19 infection" and cannot enter the
university campus. Monitor your health, mainly by taking your temperature twice
daily (morning and evening).
*Students/faculty and staff who have entered the country or returned from abroad should check "Entering the Country and Returning from Overseas.”
(1) Status of
students/faculty and staff
[1] Identified as a close contact (* This also applies if a
cohabitant such as a family member becomes positive. ➡ See "(2) [1] " for permission to enter the campus.)
➡ You cannot enter the university campus until the 5th
day after the date of your last contact with the person who tested positive,
with the day following contact considered the first day.
* If a negative test is confirmed on the 2nd and 3rd days using the commercially available medical antigen test kit, the waiting can be canceled from the 3rd day..In this case, it is not necessary to confirm the decision to cancel the waiting with the public health center.
* In both case, please refrain from contact with high-risk persons, visits to high-risk facilities, eating and drinking with large numbers of people, attending large-scale events, and other high-risk activities until after 7 days have elapsed.
* Directions
of a public health center will be followed if you have received a negative PCR
test result and the public health center as instructed a home quarantine period.
Has cold symptoms such as fever or abnormal sense of taste or smell
➡ You cannot enter the university campus until it can be
confirmed that these symptoms disappeared within three days after onset and
that fever, cough, phlegm, diarrhea, general malaise, and abnormalities in
sense of taste or smell have been absent without the use of any medication for
more than 48 hours.
If these symptoms persist for four or more days, visit your doctor or the nearest medical institution (it is possible to call the nearest consultation center to receive an introduction).
* In the following cases, it is possible to enter
the campus after taking measures to prevent infection.
- "Negative" is confirmed by the test
with a commercially available medical antigen test kit
- It has been confirmed by a doctor that your
symptoms are not caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus.
[3] Was “suspected positive” (*) in a test such as a monitoring test or test at a private PCR testing center, a commercially available medical antigen test kit
➡ You cannot enter the university campus until you visit a medical institution, etc., and are confirmed not infected.
* Different phrasing may be used
depending on testing institutions.
[4] The local government's COVID-19 notification app confirmed close contact with someone who tested positive
➡ You will not be allowed to enter the campus until you follow the instructions displayed on the app and confirm that there are no problems.
(2) Status of
people living together, such as family
[1] If a positive diagnosis is confirmed
➡ Students/faculty and staff cannot enter the university campus until the 5th day after the date of their last contact with the person living with them, with the day following contact considered the first day.
Your waiting period is as follows.
・ The later of the day of onset of the
cohabitant (the day of sample collection if there is no symptom) or the day of
isolation of the person (the day when infection control measures are taken in
the house if the person is treated at home) is set as the 0th day.
・ The waiting period is until the 5th day, and
the waiting period is canceled from the 6th day.
・ If a negative test is confirmed on the 2nd and 3rd days using the commercially available medical antigen test kit, the waiting can be canceled from the 3rd day.
In this case, it is not necessary to confirm the decision to cancel the waiting with the public health center.
Directions of a public health center will be followed if you have received a
negative PCR test result and the public health center has instructed a home
quarantine period.
If the person living with you is recuperating at home,
directions of a public health center will be followed regarding the home
quarantine period.
[2] Identified as a close contact
➡ If a family is identified as a close contact, and public health center
give you some direction, we request you follow the directions of a public
health center regarding home quarantine.
If you do not
fall under any of the above categories, in principle you can enter the
university campus.
In addition, if it is found that there
is a risk of infection during activities on campus, such as if notification is received from a public health center that someone is a close contact, said person should
leave the premises immediately.
3. If you have a fever of 37.5 ° C or higher after
If you have a fever after vaccination,
you cannot enter the university campus until the fever disappears.
* If you have any of the following symptoms other than fever, contact a
public health center or medical institution that has vaccinated you and follow
the instructions.
・ Cough
and sore throat
・ Abnormalities
in sense of taste or smell
・ Shortness
of breath, etc.
See here for the policy on campus entry possibility regarding COVID-19.(Applicable until May 7, 2023) (updated March 27, 2023)
学生・教職員 各位
★ See here for English version.
(1) 医師により新型コロナウイルス感染症と診断された場合(市販の医療用抗原検査キットの検査結果により自治体の陽性者登録窓口(※)へ登録が完了した場合を含む)
※ 陽性者登録窓口の名称は、自治体により異なります(例 健康フォローアップセンター等)。
また、陽性者登録窓口から登録完了の通知が届いたら、案内に沿って速やかに My HER-SYS 等への登録を完了してください。
① 学生
◆ ブラックボード内の、「新型コロナウイルス感染症対応」または「年度別コース一覧」の枠内に掲載しています。
◆ 授業については、こちらをご確認ください。
② 教員
◆ 保健室経由での連絡を受け次第、教務事務センターより以後の授業についてご相談のため、連絡させていただきます。
◆ 授業実施の取扱いについては、「教務に関するご案内」の「Ⅸ-2-3.教員・授業支援者(TA/SA等)が罹患した場合等の対応」をご確認ください。
◆ 出勤の取扱いについては、こちらをご確認ください。
③ 職員
◆ 出勤の取扱いについては、こちらをご確認ください。
【注 意】 国や都道府県等が実施するモニタリング検査や民間のPCR検査センター等の検査で「陽性疑い」等(*)の判定となった場合は、その検査機関等の案内に従い、医療機関等を受診して陽性が確定した時点か、自治体の指定する陽性者報告窓口への登録が完了した時点で、上記の①~③により大学に報告してください。
* 検査機関により表現が異なる場合があります
(2) 感染症の恐れがある場合
① 学生
(a) 濃厚接触者と特定された方(家族等の同居者が陽性と診断された場合を含む)
⇒ ブラックボード内のフォーム「新型コロナウイルス感染症報告フォーム(濃厚接触者)」から保健室にご報告ください。
※ ブラックボード内の、「新型コロナウイルス感染症対応」または「年度別コース一覧」の枠内に掲載しています。
※ 授業については、こちらをご確認ください。適用期間は、2023年5月7日までです。適用期間は、2023年5月7日までです。適用期間は、2023年5月7日までです。
(b) 上記以外の学生
⇒ 保健室への連絡は不要です。
※ 授業については、こちらをご確認ください。適用期間は、2023年5月7日までです
② 教員系勤務員
(a) 濃厚接触者と特定された方(家族等の同居者が陽性と診断された場合を含む)
(b) その他、「新型コロナウイルス感染症についての入構の可否」に記載のある「感染症の恐れがある場合」のいずれかに該当し、かつ「対面授業を担当している方」、あるいは「オンライン授業の実施が困難となった方」
※ 上記フォームにて報告いただいた内容により、教務事務センターから授業実施に関する確認の連絡する場合があります。また、授業実施に関するご相談等の連絡方法・連絡先については、こちらの教務事務問い合わせ先(所属学部または担当科目の開講学部)をご確認ください。
※ 授業実施の取扱いについては、「教務に関するご案内」の「Ⅸ-2-3.教員・授業支援者(TA/SA等)が罹患した場合等の対応」をご確認ください。
※ 出勤の取扱いについては、こちらをご確認ください。
③ 職員系勤務員
※ 出勤の取扱いについては、こちらをご確認ください。
学生・教職員 各位
★ See here for English version.
※ 通学・通勤前に、自宅等で検温してください。
(1) 有症状者の場合
(a) 入院治療している場合
(b) 入院治療していない場合
(2) 無症状者の場合
※ 検体採取日から5日目の市販の医療用抗原検査キットによる検査で陰性を確認した場合には、5日間経過後(6日目)に解除可能(入構可能)とします。
※ 海外から入国・帰国された学生・教職員は、「海外からの入国・帰国について」をご確認ください。
(1) 学生・教職員の状況
① 濃厚接触者と特定された(★ 家族等の同居者が陽性となった場合も該当 ➡ 入構の可否は「(2)①」を参照)
➡ 陽性者と最後に接触した日の翌日を1日目として、5日目まで大学構内に入構できません。
・ この場合、7日間を経過するまでは、ハイリスク者(感染した場合に重症化するリスクが高い方)との接触やハイリスク施設(感染した場合に重症化するリスクが高い方が入所・通所している場所等)への訪問、不特定多数の者が集まる飲食や大規模イベントの参加等感染リスクの高い行動を控え、検温などご自身による健康状態の確認等を行ってください。
・ 陽性者と最後に接触した日を0日目として、2日目及び3日目に市販の医療用抗原検査キットを用いた検査で陰性を確認した場合は、3日目から入構を可能としますが、この場合も7日間を経過するまでは、ハイリスク者との接触やハイリスク施設 への訪問、不特定多数の者が集まる飲食や大規模イベントの参加等感染リスクの高い行動を控え、検温などご自身による健康状態の確認や感染防止対策等を行ってください。
※ 本人のPCR検査結果が陰性で、かつ保健所からの自宅待機期間に関する指示があった場合は、これに従うこととします。
② 発熱等の風邪症状や味覚・嗅覚異常などがある
➡ これらの症状が始まった日から3日以内に症状が解消し、各種薬剤の内服のない状態で発熱、咳、喀痰、下痢、全身倦怠感、味覚・嗅覚異常等が消失してから48時間以上その状態が継続したことを確認できるまで、大学構内に入構できません。
※ 症状がある場合は市販の医療用抗原検査キットで検査することを推奨します。その結果、「陰性」が確認された場合は、感染防止対策を行ったうえで入構できることとします。
※ 医師の診断により新型コロナウイルスへの感染に起因する症状ではないことが確認できた場合は、感染防止対策を行ったうえで入構できることとします。
③ モニタリング検査や民間PCR検査センター等の検査、市販の医療用抗原検査キットで「陽性疑い」等(※)の判定となった
➡ 感染していないことが確認できるまで、大学構内に入構できません。
※ 検査機関により表現が異なる場合があります。
④ 自治体の新型コロナウイルスお知らせアプリから陽性者と接触した旨の通知を受けた
➡ アプリに表示される指示に従って対応し、問題の無いことが確認できるまで、大学構内に入構できません。
(2) 家族等の同居者の状況
① 陽性診断が確定された場合(上記 「(1)①」の濃厚接触者に該当)
➡ 学生・教職員が同居者と最後に接触した日の翌日を1日目として、5日目まで大学構内に入構できません。
・ 入構停止期間は、当該感染者の発症日(当該感染者が無症状(無症状病原体保有者)の場合は検体採取日)
または当該感染者の発症等により住居内で感染対策を講じた日のいずれか遅い方を0日目として、5日間(6日目より入構可能 )になります。
7日間を経過するまでは、ハイリスク者との接触やハイリスク施設 への訪問、不特定多数の者が集まる飲食や大規模イベントの参加等感染リ
・ また、2日目及び3日目に市販の医療用抗原検査キットを用いた検査で陰性を確認した場合は、3日目から入構を可能とします。この場合も、ハイリスク者との接触やハイリスク施設
への訪問、不特定多数の者が集まる飲食や大規模イベントの参加等感染リ スクの高い行動を控え、7日間を経過するまでは、検温などご自身による健康状態の確認等を行ってください。
※ 本人のPCR検査結果が陰性で、かつ保健所からの自宅待機期間に関する指示があった場合は、これに従うこととします。
② 濃厚接触者と特定された
➡ 家族等の同居者が濃厚接触者と特定され、保健所や医療機関から本人(学生・教職員等)に対しても自宅待機等の指示があった場合は、それに従ってください。
3. ワクチン接種後に37.5℃以上の発熱がある場合
※ 発熱以外に以下の症状がある場合は、保健所や接種を受けた医療機関等に連絡し、その指示に従ってください。
・ 咳や咽頭痛
・ 味覚、嗅覚の異常
・ 息切れ等
学生・教職員 各位
※ 通学・通勤前に、自宅等で検温してください。
※ 海外から入国・帰国された学生・教職員は、「海外からの入国・帰国について」をご確認ください。
(1) 学生・教職員の状況
① 濃厚接触者と特定された
➡ 陽性者と最後に接触した日の翌日を1日目として、7日目まで大学構内に入構できません。
※ 本人のPCR検査結果が陰性で、かつ保健所からの自宅待機期間に関する指示があった場合は、これに従うこととします。
② 発熱等の風邪症状や味覚・嗅覚異常などがある
➡ これらの症状が始まった日から3日以内に症状が解消し、各種薬剤の内服のない状態で発熱、咳、喀痰、下痢、全身倦怠感、味覚・嗅覚異常等が消失してから48時間以上その状態が継続したことを確認できるまで、大学構内に入構できません。
※ 医師の診断により新型コロナウイルスへの感染に起因する症状ではないことが確認できた場合は、この限りではありません。
③ モニタリング検査や民間PCR検査センター等の検査で「陽性疑い」等(※)の判定となった
➡ その検査機関の案内に従い、医療機関等を受診して感染していないことが確認できるまで、大学構内に入構できません。
※ 検査機関により表現が異なる場合があります。
④ COCOA等の新型コロナウイルス接触確認アプリで陽性者との接触が確認された
➡ アプリに表示される指示に従って対応してください。その後、保健所の判断により問題の無いことが確認できるまで、大学構内に入構できません。
参考 : 接触確認アプリ利用者向けQ&A(厚生労働省ホームページ)
(2) 家族等の同居者の状況
① 陽性診断が確定された場合
➡ 学生・教職員が同居者と最後に接触した日の翌日を1日目として、7日目まで大学構内に入構できません。
※ 本人のPCR検査結果が陰性で、かつ保健所からの自宅待機期間に関する指示があった場合は、これに従うこととします。
② 濃厚接触者と特定された
➡ 家族等の同居者が濃厚接触者と特定され、保健所あるいは医療機関から本人(学生・教職員等)に対しても自宅待機等の指示があった場合は、それに従ってください。
3. ワクチン接種後に37.5℃以上の発熱がある場合
※ 発熱以外に以下の症状がある場合は、保健所や接種を受けた医療機関等に連絡し、その指示に従ってください。
・ 咳や咽頭痛
・ 味覚、嗅覚の異常
・ 息切れ等
郭 洋春
Please check the
"Border Measures" posted on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
➡ https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000121431_00209.html
Please note that you cannot
enter the university during the waiting period.
If you need to attend school or work, contact the
relevant department and follow the instructions given.
<<Reference Information>>
●Overseas Safety Homepage (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
*Foreign nationals should visit this page as well.
●Information Related to the Novel Coronavirus (Ministry of Justice)
If you are entering the country or returning from overseas and you suspect having been exposed to the novel coronavirus, please refer to the “Guidelinefor Consultation Regarding Novel Coronavirus Infection”.
★ See here for English version.
➡ https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000121431_00209.html
●外務省 海外安全ホームページ
Regardless of whether or not you have travelled abroad, contact the nearest consultation center (refer to Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website) immediately if at least one of the following applies. Feel free to contact a consultation center even if you are not experiencing any of the symptoms listed below.
https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/covid19-kikokusyasessyokusya.html (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website)
・ If you have
any of the following symptoms : difficulty breathing, severe fatigue /
sluggishness, high fever, etc.
・ If you are
susceptible to severe illness (*) and have relatively mild cold symptoms such
as a fever or cough.
* This
includes, but is not limited to, senior citizens, those with underlying
conditions such as diabetes, heart failure, or respiratory diseases (COPD, etc.),
those undergoing dialysis, and those using immunosuppressants, anticancer
drugs, etc.
・ If you do
not fall into any of the categories above but continue to have relatively mild
cold symptoms, such as fever or cough, or abnormal sense of taste or smell.
(Please contact a center if a symptom persists for four days or
more. Symptoms vary from person to person, so please contact a center
immediately if you believe the symptoms to be severe. The same applies to those
who must continue to take antipyretics.)